

Yesterday at work we were talking about all the different "-isms" and "-arians" when it comes to food --- vegetarian,  pescetarianism, veganism, raw foodies, etc. There are even some fruitarians who only will eat what falls off the tree!

I was wondering if maybe I should start my own branch -- colorarianism. Colorarians will only eat foods with lots and lots of color. Hence, the salad above.



Last week and weekend I ran around like a crazy woman. From Thursday to Monday I worked Baccalaureate and Graduation, went to a wonderful all day book and supper club hosted by our friends Mark and Carri, hosted a bridal shower with my friends Jamie and Amy, and had a Bachelorette party which ended in a sleepover where all of us decided we are too old for sleepovers since our sleep habits are both particular and sensitive ("I can't sleep with a fan!" "I need white noise to sleep!" "I feel claustrophobic!" "This room is too bright!"). I don't think I fell asleep until after 5 a.m. Fortunately, you don't need much sleep to enjoy coffee and pancakes with your friends in the morning.

This weekend is much more laid back. This morning we read, worked, drank coffee, had yogurt and muesli for breakfast. Today I am planning on doing a little shopping for our Hawaii trip, which we leave for next Saturday. Tonight we are going to a cocktail party at our friends' apartment up in L.A., for which I made these. Tomorrow we have church, and after are planning to come back and hopefully nap and read this, which I checked out for vacation but now think I will have finished before then.