

 We had a nice weekend celebrating my birthday. My parents came up earlier in the week, helped with some packing and took me to lunch at the Rialto Cafe. On Friday, Alex took me on a picnic to a lovely park, and then to the melting pot for chocolate-caramel-sea-salt dipping deliciousness dessert. On Saturday we packed and feasted on the lemon birthday cake treated to us by my parents from Beverly's Best. On Sunday evening we saw Harry Potter 7 p.2 with two good friends.  All in all, a relaxing break from all the moving stresses we have been wrestling with. Now to find a way to make sure none of that cake goes to waste....



Alex and I are moving across the country in T minus 17 days, and are in the midst of searching for an apartment and a job, selling our car and purchasing a new one, and preparing all of our possessions to be packed on to a Uhaul, which means that our house is in progressive states of disassembly. I cannot say that these last few days have been without their moments of panic or tears, but at the same time, I am confident that our God will provide for us what we need when we need it.