
Ten things I learned from my siblings

Image Credit: http://onlyfunnyjokes.com/bestoftheweb/2005/12/11/yet-another-collection-of-funny-and-cute-photos/
(I'm sorry for portraying us as ducklings.  It was the only image I could come up with.  Also, I like the little yellow duckling, trying to keep up with his elders).

1.   Don't count walking as an option when you're on a run.  You can slow your pace, but you can't walk.
2.  Don't be too rowdy on a trampoline.  You could break your leg.
3.  Don't borrow people's clothes without asking.
4.  Don't chew your food too loudly.
5.  Using spreadsheets to plan out your spring wardrobe is helpful.  Using spreadsheets to plan out the gourmet dinner you are hosting is also helpful.
6.  When you're a kid, building forts and playing in dirt are worthy playtime activities.  When you're a teenager, move on to prank wars and TPing your friends' houses.
7.  Grab adventure whenever there is an opportunity for it. (This is why my name is Jane).
8.  It is more fun to watch your brother play video games then to play them yourself. It is more fun to wear your sister's clothing then your own.
9. Morning drives are a good time for silence, unless you are taking finals at school that day - in which case you should listen to Beethoven.
10. The tooth fairy deserves to be reprimanded (or discovered)(or given a hug) when she fails to do her duty.

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