
Life at the Elmore residence: a.k.a. Team Elmore

Image credit: http://writenowisgood.typepad.com/write_now_is_good/poetry_thursday/

Currently, it's Saturday morning. A (that stands for Alex) is still sleeping, I have been up since the crack of dawn (actually, before dawn) because I had to work for a couple of hours this morning.  It is only 10:30, and I have already driven the town, drank some coffee, worked two hours, had my bangs trimmed, put away clean dishes, and made and eaten breakfast. What a Saturday.

Now I sit at the computer, whose power cord is so finicky that when I breathe it comes disconnected, and panicking, I fiddle with it as the computer plunges towards its speedy demise. So I hover over this keyboard, afraid of typing too vigorously lest that little green light turn off.

The rest of the day should be filled with normal Saturday things -- a few errands for him, a bit of pilates for me, some requisite tidying and cleaning, maybe an episode or two of Friends.

This is what A and I are as a team -- doing life together by being in the same space and enjoying one another's company on this Saturday. Supporting each other in our separate tasks and different ambitions. Working together to ensure that chores get done so that we can live in a clean, functioning space, working so that we can move forward together into whatever is next. I know being a team in marriage works itself out differently in every stage of life. This is what it is for us now.

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