
Valentine's Day 2010

Yesterday, (which was a Friday, which was the end of a work week) Alex and I came home (after an especially long work day) and tried to decide what we should do for our "date night". Friday nights are our date nights, and traditionally have been even from the initial stages of our relationship in our sophomore year in college, when, with the combination of limited "open-hours" in our dorms, roommates with varying schedules, and a college-man's budget,  dates had to be very creative. Alex did an admirable job coming up with creative ways to work around these obstacles, my favorite being his "Christmas in September" date which involved decking one of the cafeteria tables with Christmas lights, music and fake snow, having me open a "stocking" full of things from the dollar store, making sugar cookies in our dorm kitchen, and finally, watching White Christmas on his laptop up on the soccer field, with blankets and  cookies to keep us warm.  However, on the days when we were too tired from unrelenting homework and the exhausting duties of college-life (like having to do (and pay for!) our laundry), the most creative idea we could muster was to grab dinner at the school cafeteria, maybe get something from starbucks and watch a movie on his laptop in one of the library's study rooms.

So last night our date night consisted of throwing together a dinner of grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup, watching an episode of "Community" (on his laptop), debating for 30 minutes whether we should watch another episode or read, reading, and falling asleep on the couch by 8:45 p.m. What a wild life we live.

Actually, the real reason we had such an uninteresting "date night" is because we are celebrating Valentine's Day today.  Sorry if I misled you to think that we are boring homebodies (really we are, 90% of the time).

So with that, I'm going to go make us chocolate chip pancakes. I will attempt to make them heart-shaped, in spirit of the holiday, but since I have no heart-shaped mold they will probably look like blobs. Over and out.

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