
#4 - Quiet

Life has been busy this week.  Between Alex working to launch a new business, sharing the car multiple days, a couple of visits with friends, meetings at work, and a failed early morning swimming adventure (turns out the pool was closed. Not what you want to find out after dragging yourself out of bed and having convinced yourself that it's a good idea to hurl your body into cold water...), we are tired. This morning as I was driving to work I heard a thumping noise, immediately recognized it as a flat tire, and so pulled over and awaited the arrival of AAA before heading on to work. I was just grateful that the tire had lasted my drive to and from Pasadena where I had visited a friend the night before.

Coupled with the busyness of this week is the fact that on Monday I gave a deposit to a graduate school, and so will be officially moving forward with a very new stage in life! All very exciting, and of course, causes me to jump into planning mode -- apartments, summer school, summer trips, weddings, parties, moving costs, and work transitions. Needless to say, thinking this far ahead, aside from not being entirely necessary, is also mentally exhausting.

So, at the end of a week like this one I am tired, have become easily irritated by others, and am distinctly aware of my inability to trust the God who loves me with the details of my life. BUT - I'm grateful for the rest I have this night. Alex is out with a friend and our house is quiet. I have a chance to read, to be and reflect. To watch silly shows. To lounge in my pajamas after a nice shower. Blessings in the form of quiet and being.


  1. Thankful you have some quiet...and thankful you made time for us during your busy week! :) We had a good time catching up. Enjoy your quiet!

  2. I really like this blogging theme.... :)
