
One year ago today

One year ago today was not anything out of the ordinary.  I was not on Spring Break, or meeting with any doctors for my feet, or doing anything that dramatically set that day apart from any other one in the week.

I was living at Saint Joans (a rental house with 7 girls that had a very green kitchen and very hard floors). I had gone to work, then to PE class, then to Philosophy of Religion.  Probably came home to relax and watch Arrested Development while my housemates started making dinner.  Probably I was very stressed about my senior thesis and some other paper, and enjoying doing reading for my Torrey Class (I know we had at least read Crime and Punishment by that time, which was (and is) worth the many hours it requires to read). Probably I was stressed about trying to find Alex a wedding ring, and about designing and printing and sending out our wedding invitations.  Probably I had already started my job search, and was trying to figure out where in LA I could find some job that suited my random interests and would accept my negligible skills.

I remember all these things because Google calendar has a record of them.  When I was in high school I used to like to keep a day planner and write down as many things as I could in it regarding each day -- homework assignments, funny quotes, weekend activities.

Several years later I would find the day planner and look back and be able to remember and smile or laugh or frown. Or grimace, when my teachers had given particularly hard assignments or an AP test had been approaching.
It's nice that we can do this - that we can recall the little things that set the days apart from each other if we take the trouble to record them.

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