

Since there is a chance that we might move, I have been on Craig's List, perusing the findings. Lest you think this premature (or perhaps it is), let me say that I am not searching to find anything, I am searching for fun. I'm sure at least some people can relate to the unexpected enjoyment of looking at real estate -- when I was in sixth grade, waiting for my Dad to finish work so we could go home after the school day (his work and my school were at the same place), I would sit on the computer, sometimes for hours, and look at homes in the area.

In the past year, I have perused Craig's List for apartments in Los Angeles, Pasadena, Fullerton, Chicago, Scotland, England, and New Hampshire -- anywhere I could imagine us living (okay, New Hampshire was just because I wanted to live somewhere with snow). The following are the priorities I have decided on for our next apartment. I will admit, it is ridiculously unlikely that a place with all these qualities exists:

-Good lighting. Bright. Sunny. Two windows in the living room, one in the kitchen (preferably above the sink).
-Hardwood floors. Old.
-Tall Ceilings. Maybe a little molding at the top.
-A nice color painted on the outside. Maybe not part of a huge complex.
-Kitchen counters with a square footage that exceeds (doubles? triples?) what we have now.
-Allows for a dog?

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