
Leisure time

Oh the bliss of finally having free time again. No longer do I come home from work, make dinner, eat dinner and dive straight into portfolio work. Instead I...

-WATCH something fun on Hulu. Either the Bachelor or Grey's Anatomy. Yes, I know these shows are known for their relentless and admittedly insipid relational drama, but I still find that I have become wrapped up in them. Despite the predictable final scenes of each weekly series (The "roseless" girl mourns that she has not "found love" and contemplates which of her insecurities were the cause of her rejection and demise. Maybe if she just did a little math, she would realize that a 1 in 30 chance of being Brad's match should not have left her with much hope, and that trying to find love in these circumstances is not going to be good for her emotional health!), I still need to know who Brad is going to choose. Grey's Anatomy remains interesting because of their wacky medical scenarios and emergency surgeries, most of which, I admit, make me think I understand more about medicine then I really do (this "knowledge" is fine as long as you keep it to yourself. But when you start telling a friend the amazing qualities of the liver which regrows itself after you transplant half and she replies "Did you learn that on Grey's Anatomy?")

-KNIT 4 rows on the blanket I am working on. Get up and do something else because I have the attention span of a gopher, and because I always feel like knitting is something I can only do when everything else is done, and I inevitably remember something else to do while I am knitting.

-COOK or bake something fun. Currently -- loving making pizzas, like this one:
(Sweet Potato and Brie Flatbread, Realsimple.com)

Also, as an appropriate response to the rain last weekend, I made these cookies.

-READ. I just finished the latest book for our supper club, Philip Roth's The Ghostwriter -- a writer writing about a writer admiring another writer. No but really, I enjoyed this book, though it was slow moving in its plot it was easy to read and I think offers a lot for reflection. I look forward to discussing it with the other 7 attendees of the sup club (which is tomorrow! yay!) I am also reading The Hidden Life: Thoughts on Communion with God by Adolph Saphir. Only two chapters in, this book has already proven to be instructive and encouraging for me.

-CLEAN. I really enjoy when I have enough free time to leisurely make our house a little more presentable. I realized this past week, when I looked around our living room and noticed the growing number of stacks of miscellaneous items, that my priorities have shifted. Yes, I still love a clean house, but during the week I can somehow turn a blind eye to the three stacks of books on our coffee table that would normally drive me crazy. As long as the dishes are clean and the bed has been made, I can live with a little more clutter during the week.

But to take 30 minutes to go around and put things in their proper places, to have CLEAN surfaces, mirrors without spots, and an empty dish-rack? Luxury.

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